Business Intelligence

We’ve created an ‘unfair advantage’

We’ve changed the game–actually, we’ve disrupted the industry. We’ve spent years creating technology that combines Business Intelligence, AI and Machine Learning technology to not only show you — easily, with a click — what’s happening in your business, but can forecast where you’re headed. From census, to UR and payor histories, to outcomes and reimbursements, you’ll see the truth. We can create reports for you that are simple, with just a top-level look at your KPI (Key Performance Indicator) data, or we can create detailed, customizable dashboards, including comprehensive pie charts, line charts, any type of chart you’d like to see. We deliver deep insight into every facet of your billing activity, based on level of care, insurance providers, and more. Quickly scan your claims and see instantly which are not paid or delayed. While Kipu’s Business Intelligence delivers a look into the present, it can also deliver more accurate forecasting into the future. And that’s the big news.

No more guesswork. We can show you where your business is headed based on the types of patients you’re admitting and regional data as you expand into different zip codes. It’s a powerful tool in creating the clearest view of your company’s every operation.

Make no mistake, data will always win.

KipuBI was imagined and developed by Kipu’s team of engineers to answer the need of treatment facility executives, clinicians and physicians for concise, clearly displayed reporting on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), by intelligently aggregating data and instantly delivering visually intuitive metrics quickly and accurately in easy to consume dashboards. Users have the ability to easily filter and sort data to view insightful results from any angle, assisting them in analyzing their organization’s performance and ultimately, empowering them to make informed decisions faster, with far more accuracy and confidence.

Previously, these important metrics were difficult to uncover, requiring a skilled business analyst to extract data from spreadsheets or database programs, then create charts and graphs to communicate the required information. With KipuBI, that time-consuming task can be performed by any member of a facility’s staff using a modern, easy-to-navigate interface. With just a few clicks, relevant, timely information regarding pre-admission activities, opportunity tracking, census counts, patient demographics/history, occupancy levels, outcomes, laboratory tests/results, admissions, referral tracking, billing and payor history and much more can be displayed and/or exported quickly to CSV, PDF, Excel or image files for immediate evaluation or remedial action.

“The KipuEMR captures and stores a huge amount of critical information. We wanted to create an easier – and faster – means of aggregating, organizing and making that data available instantly — so staff at all levels can make better decisions, clinically and financially,’ said Michael Delgado, Kipu’s Chief Information Officer. “Working closely with our 1,800 client/partners, we came to understand the scope and scale of their informational needs. Our development roadmap was based on these specialized requirements, and we’re very excited that we have been able to meet those needs, with particular emphasis on ease of use and speed. We will continue to improve the KipuBI platform to enhance this groundbreaking technology, enabling facilities to learn more about their businesses and to move forward in today’s challenging, ever-changing environment.”

Mr. Delgado brings over two decades of Fortune 100 experience in information technology, data architecture and machine learning to Kipu, along with a long list of accomplishments within the consumer electronics and luxury cruise line industries. “We’ve assembled a world-class team of talented and seasoned BI specialists to fast-track this project in a highly agile environment, using a unique set of modern development tools,” said Delgado, “We began work in late 2018 and today – in record time — our Business Intelligence technology has been tested, proven and is currently changing the landscape for the behavioral health industry. Kipu clients worldwide are now taking advantage of the ability to make better clinical and financial decisions using our BI technology. By rapidly providing real-time access to admission opportunities, biopsychosocial records, clinical and session results, documentation, census trends, outcomes measurements, advertising campaign effectiveness, compliance tracking, referral partner performance, payor reimbursement levels and call center activities, management has an entirely new view into their data. Answers to the most complex questions can be buried in an ocean of data – our BI engine can find them in seconds, rather than hours or days. To achieve this speed and accuracy, we employ a high-performance analytics database, known as Elastic Cubes. This advanced, highly scalable analytical technology boosts native support for a wide range of disparate data sources, while providing extreme ease of operation and unmatched performance.”

Early adopters of the KipuBI technological tools have reported that they’ve significantly streamlined their decision-making process for both their patients and their bottom line. “We’ve been using Kipu’s Business Intelligence since August 2020 and the experience has been game changing,’ said Karem Garcia, Clinical Quality Director at The Crossroad Recovery Centers. “What used to take us hours to compile and interpret is now at our fingertips. This has opened our eyes to so many new opportunities for our centers. The user interface is so easy to learn and the data is easy to access. We forgot what life was like before it.”

“Of course, data security is of the utmost importance,’ said Todd Lee, KipuHealth’s CTO, “Unlike other systems, all information within the KipuEMR and used within the Business Intelligence system is housed in redundant server arrays that are never shared between clients. This single-tenant strategy eliminates the possibility of data exposure and compromise. This, along with regularly scheduled penetration testing by the industry’s top data security experts, exceeds HIPAA, regulatory and compliance requirements, affording our clients the highest level of data protection possible.”

With our new QS platform, KIPU BI can predict trends on metrics such as census overtime for any given facility and break out by Provider, Level of Care, etc.

Patient Dashboard

The Patient Dashboard in Kipu Bl provides statistics on patients in the census, discharged patients, referrers, and historical data on discharges, admissions, and average days in census.

Patients in Census The number of patients in the census with MR number at the time of the snapshot. Census patients are all  patients with an admission date before the snapshot time, and a discharge date after the snapshot time (or blank).

Incoming Admissions The number of patients without an MR number and with an admission date later today (after the time of the snapshot, before midnight). Filter by Location, Program, Level of Care (First or Last), Gender, Dx Codes, Insurance Company, Payment Method, etc. Plus, Discharging Today, Census by Location and Program, and much more.

Occupancy Dashboard

The Occupancy Dashboard in Kipu BI provides statistics on your current Occupancy and percent to capacity by building.

Census History

The Census History Dashboard in Kipu Bl provides a snapshot of total census counts and average daily census, as compared to past months. Followed by the snapshot counts are historical trends by Location, Levels of Care, and Programs.

Outcomes Measurement

If Kipu’s Outcomes Measurements feature is in use, Kipu BI will include an Outcomes Dashboard with statistical data on outcomes programs and assessments across your instance.

Lab Platform

KIPU BI includes a Lab Orders Dashboard which provide statistics on lab orders and requisitions. Requisitions Sent by Lab provides the total count of processed lab requisitions broken down by Lab.

Utilization Review

The Utilization Review (UR) Dashboard in Kipu Bl provides information about insurance authorizations logged in KipuEMR in the Concurrent Review area. Includes: Top 20 Insurance Companies by Number of Authorizations, Average Number of Days per Authorization by Insurance Company, Number of Patients by Insurance Company, Average Number of Days per Authorization by Level of Care, Gender and more.