Kipu Training Calendar

We love helping our clients! Bring your laptop and join us for one or all of our upcoming Kipu EMR webinars and training events! We’ll cover a variety of features, tips and tricks, to help you get the most out of your Kipu EMR and, if you get there early, you can speak to our Kipu gurus one-on-one to answer any specific questions. If there is a particular topic you don’t see covered here, just send us an email at ([email protected]) to let us know and we’ll do our best to deliver. ​

*Kipu Webinars are open to registered Kipu users only. To register, you must use the email used in your instance. Any person who registered for a scheduled event that is not a registered Kipu user will not be admitted to the session.

Our Kipu Learn series gives you and your staff the basic knowledge to navigate through your Kipu Instance! Please review the courses below and register for a future session by clicking the sign up link:

EMR FAQ Webinar
Our FAQ webinar will review the solutions to the most common questions received by our Client Support Team.

Audience: All KipuEMR Users

Sign up here

Kipu Admissions Essentials
Our Admissions Essentials course covers how admissions staff manage their daily activities and patient interactions. Special attention will be given to the chart creation, verifying program eligibility, and managing patient interactions prior to admission.

 Audience: Admissions Staff, Front Desk Attendants, Registrars, Super Admin

Sign up here

Kipu Clinical Essentials
Our Clinical Essentials course covers how Clinicians and Therapist manage their daily activities and patient interactions. Special attention will be given to the Golden Thread workflow and outcomes measurements.

 Audience: Clinicians, Therapist, Case Managers, Clinical Directors, Super Admin

 Sign up here

Kipu Medical Essentials
Our Medical Essentials course covers how Providers manage patient medications and interactions. Special attention will be given to the reviewing and managing orders.

 Audience: Medical Director, Physicians, Nurse Practitioner, Heads of Nursing, Super Admin

 Sign up here

Kipu Nursing Essentials
Our Nursing Essentials course covers how Front-Line Medical Staff manage patient interactions. Special attention will be given to managing orders, lab entry, and documentation.

Audience: Nurse Practitioner, Heads of Nursing, Nurses, Technicians, Super Admin

Sign up here

A Better Path to Better Behavioral Healthcare

Call 561.349.5901 to speak with one of our Business Consultants.
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