Fast Form Creator

Create custom forms quickly and easily

At Kipu, we’re allergic to paper. In fact, we’ve been known to digitally recreate each and every form from your paper process or current EMR; and vigorously search for paper forms to recreate in Kipu after implementation is complete. We’ve never met a form we could not digitize.

Truly configurable means every process, form, and flow in the entire episode of care is replicated in the KipuEMR – that starts with pre-admission through VOB, UR, Assessments, Admission and runs through treatment and discharge. We allow up to 3 levels of signatures, for example, patient, clinician, clinical director, etc. Also, signatures can be entered on a tablet (iPad), smartphone, and signature pad or saved and recalled with a 4-digit pin or fingerprint scanner.

Through our agile implementation process, we work with your staff hand-in-hand to implement existing or improved process flows that correlate with current best practices, so “Have it your way” is real. By working together, your staff adopts and embraces the system after implementation is complete. In fact, many clients use the system without training because of its extreme ease of use.

Our training includes teaching your system administrator to create and edit forms to meet all your needs over time. While we are only a phone call or email away, most clients are creating or changing forms only days after a quick training. The KipuEMR has hundreds of available consents, assessments, treatment plans, progress notes, homework, etc. But if you prefer, we will build your forms. If spending more time treating patients is your goal, Kipu allows just that. A flexible, easy to use integration through your entire process flow.