Kipu eRx: e-Prescribing


Electronic prescribing is the computer-based electronic generation, transmission, and filling of a medical prescription, taking the place of paper and faxed prescriptions. Kipu now offers an all-new e-prescribe system that includes substantial benefits for patients and physicians. Every state in the U.S. now allows e-prescribing, including e-prescribing of controlled substances (with 2-level authorization). Kipu now supports e-prescribing, streamlining your work, eliminating the need to re-enter data and making errors a thing of the past.


  • No prescription pads! In fact, no paper at all!
  • Send prescriptions directly from within Kipu!
  • Enter data just once! No double-data-entry ever!
  • 100% HIPAA compliant!

Mandate Map: E-Prescribing in the United States


  • E-Prescribing prevents prescription drug errors
    E-Prescribing eliminates handwriting errors/illegibility and gives both physician and pharmacist access to a patient’s prescription history to reduce the chance of the wrong drug being dispensed. According to the FDA, more than 95,000 prescription drug errors have occurred since 2000, mainly due to mistakes when reading a handwritten prescription and dispensing a similar-sounding, but different drug.
  • Automates clinical decision support
    Many drugs are available in multiple strengths or forms. E-Prescribing removes the guesswork by prompting prescribers to completely fill out the dose, route, strength and frequency and providing drop-down lists of the most common information.
  • Speeds the medication reconciliation process
    Clinicians can instantly view a patient’s medication history and won’t have to manually reconcile medication lists or commit clinical information to memory, such as drug-drug interactions.
  • Reduces the number of lost prescriptions
    When patients receive paper-based prescriptions, the prescriptions sometimes are forgotten and never filled, or are lost by the patient and must be re-written or called into the pharmacy. E-Prescribing sends the prescription directly to the pharmacy.
  • Spend less time responding to prescription refill requests
    The administrative burden of physicians and clinical office staff is the need to respond to prescription refill requests. E-Prescribing enables providers to review, authorize and transmit 20-30 refill authorizations in seconds. It’s also easier to execute an emergency refill for a patient traveling and rneeds medication. Problem solved.
  • Prevents prescription drug errors
    E-Prescribing eliminates handwriting errors/illegibility and gives both physician and pharmacist access to a patient’s prescription history to reduce the chance of the wrong drug being dispensed. According to the FDA, more than 95,000 prescription drug errors have occurred since 2000, mainly due to mistakes when reading a handwritten prescription and dispensing a similar-sounding, but different drug.

eRx Roadmap for Implementation is the U.S.

  • Electronic prescribing is the computer-based electronic generation, transmission, and filling of a medical prescription, taking the place of paper and faxed prescriptions.
  • Kipu now offers an all-new e-prescribe interface that streamlines your workflow, eliminates double data entry and makes errors a thing of the past.
  • Every state in the U.S. now allows e-prescribing, including e-prescribing of controlled substances (with 2-level authorization). Kipu’s eRx integration offers substantial benefits for patients and physicians, alike.
  • Two New Proxy User Roles.
  • Streamlining the prescription ordering process.

Proxy User

Kipu now enables Prescribers to designate “Proxy Users,” typically nursing staff members to enter a prescription on their behalf. Once entered, the Prescriber simply reviews the prescription and signs off on the order electronically.

Provider Agent

Kipu also offers a role as “Provider Agent.” A Provider Agent can both write and send prescriptions for non-controlled substances to a pharmacy on behalf of the Prescriber, without the prescriber’s intervention. For controlled substance prescriptions, the prescriber will still need to sign off.

Advanced Technology

Kipu eRx is just one of thousands of technologies built into the KipuEMR, much like the high tech traction control system in your car. It is super advanced and and incredibly useful. But it is just one of the many reasons you should test drive the KipuEMR today. Call or click to set up your virtual test drive today.

Kipu rRx


In 2010, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) implemented the Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS) interim final rule, giving practitioners the option to electronically transmit prescriptions for Schedule II-V controlled substances (10-11 percent of all prescriptions). The regulations also permit pharmacies to receive, dispense and archive electronic prescriptions. As a result, three states (New York, Maine, Minnesota) require virtually all drugs to be electronically prescribed.

Call or click for a demo today to learn why so many treatment centers may start with a different tool, but eventually choose to upgrade to Kipu…the gold-standard EMR for addiction treatment.

Learn how to get your facility started with ePrescribe now: