Point of Care Urine Drug Screening
Now includes chain of custody and MNDR reporting! Order POCs, process requisitions, and receive results with MNDR, all in Kipu.
New historical view for POCs, results graph, MNDR report, and more.
- Easier POC ordering
- POC scheduler, including random frequency
- Easier viewing of results
- Graph results over time
- Compliance with accreditation requirements
- Compliance with payor requirements
- Doctor can sign off on order/result in one location

Lab 2.0 Point of Care Drug Screening Interface
Point of care testing can aid in treatment as this conventional method of testing can be used to assist with diagnosing, monitoring, and screening the patient during treatment. This quick method of testing can also assist with decision making on whether a quantitative confirmation test is required.
Kipu’s new POC (point of care) interface allow the facility to quickly and efficiently order tests, set collection frequencies, set test duration, document medical necessities, collect, and review POC results. Kipu’s cloud based system provides immediate access to patient test results which can be viewed and signed instantly by care providers, assisting with quicker decision making and ensuring optimal use of medical staff’s time.
Key features
- Physicians or medical personnel can place POC orders in your KipuEMR using patient demographics that were entered on admission, saving your facility time when placing several orders.
- Set up a custom frequency and duration for each client. Now including Kipu’s random frequency.
- Add unique statements of medical necessity using Kipu’s statements of medical necessity builder which will assist in customizing statements for each client.
- Kipu’s requisition scheduler will display when patients are due for testing.
- Quickly process the requisition on collection via our HIPAA-secure POC interface.
- POC results will be stored in your patient’s charts where they can be be reviewed by their physician or other medical personnel.
- MNDR (Medical Necessity Documentation Report) attached to every result.
- POC orders and results will be available in the doctors dashboard for quick review.
How it works
Step One: Place the POC Order
- No more forms
- Specify testing frequencies per patient, now including random
- Specify duration per patient
- Select POC test per patient
- Statements of medical necessity builder
- Physician’s POC orders can be signed in one location
- Assists in compliance
- Assists with the possibility of over-testing or missing collection

Ordering POC
Ordering a POC has never been easier with the POC interface. Simply navigate to the patient’s chart and click into the “Lab Orders” tab and hit “Create”. This will open up a window that will need to be completed to document the POC order on the patient’s chart. The required points include:
- Ordering physician
- Ordered test
- Start date
- Frequency
- Duration
- If the test will be collected on admission as well as on discharge
- The statement of medical necessity
Statement of Medical Necessity (SOMN)
Kipu Health is proud to introduce its proprietary system for generating a Statement of Medical Necessity (SOMN) and the Medical Necessity Documentation Report (MNDR) as part of our POC interface.
The SOMN is a demonstration of the need for a course of treatment determined to be reasonable, necessary, and/or appropriate based on evidence-based clinical standards of care. We have created an engine to populate information into the Statement of Medical Necessity to document a unique statement.
Selecting a Prebuilt SOMN
Kipu allows the facility to create buttons that, when clicked, will populate a Statement of Medical Necessity from a customized set of standardized justifications for testing. This will quickly and easily create a unique SOMN for each patient’s order.
Manually Documenting a SOMN
The Statement of Medical Necessity field is also a free-type field. If the facility needs to edit a prebuilt statement or add further information, simply click into the text and edit the information as needed.
Step Two: Collect and Process in Kipu
With the Kipu Lab Scheduler, collectors can see who is due for POC testing, create requisitions, document POC’s, collect consent for testing, and save to the patient’s chart. The facility will no longer need to maintain a list of patients due for tests, which will assist with faster collection and also ensure optimal use of medical staff’s time. Kipu’s Requisition Scheduler displays patients due for testing based on set frequency and handles:
- Collecting samples
- Locating POC requisition for patient
- Documenting POC results and additional information
- Processing requisition to save information
Kipu’s POC requisition documents all of the following:
- Unique specimen ID and data
- Collection date
- Collected by
- Patient demographic information
- Insurance information
- Ordered POC test
- Medical necessity statement
- POC results
- Prescribed medications
- Diagnosis codes
- Patient consent
Point of Collection: Creating Test Order Window

Point of Care Urinary Screening button is Clicked. Kipu will then populate the customized Statement of Medical Necessity setup for this button.

Step Three: Review Results
Easy Access to Results
Within the POC interface, there are several locations where a user with access to results can view them and see how the patient is performing during their episode of care. Below are a few examples.
Inside the Patient’s Chart View
Results can be found in the patient’s chart under the “Lab Results” tab. Here the facility user with access to results can use the filter to assist in finding a specific report to view. Kipu will also highlight any report that has positive test results reported for quick viewing. The result can easily be opened by clicking on the specimen ID.
Extensive Data
POC results available in the patient’s chart
See all POC results in one location, includes filters
The icon displayed on the patient’s picture: results need to be reviewed
Now available: historical results view within the POC interface
POC results include MNDR (Medical Necessity Documentation Report)
Reviewing physician: add notes and sign off on POC results in one location
Historical Data at Your Fingertips
In the “Lab Results” tab, there is also the new “Test Results History” button that, when clicked, will gather all results and display them side by side for a historical view of the patient’s testing. There is also a powerful filter section located at the top of the page that can assist in locating the results the user will like to view.

Results History Graph
The result graphs are in the results history view. To view the graph, click the arrow to the left of the test name.

All Results View
Kipu also has a location where the user with access to results can navigate to and view all results in the facility’s Kipu. There is also a powerful filter section located at the top of the page that can assist in locating the results the user will like to view.
Reviewing Results
When POC results are documented in Kipu, the physician will be notified that there are pending results that need to be reviewed. The notification will display on the patient’s picture as an Erlenmeyer flask.

In the Kipu POC interface, all POC orders and results that are pending the physicians signature will live in one location where the physician can quickly login and sign off on these pending items.

Signing POC orders
To sign off on orders, the doctor can navigate over to the dashboard. Under the Physician’s Review tab, the doctor can decide if they would like to sign off on all orders or individually. These orders can be reviewed and signed off by the physician with a single signature or custom setup pin.

Signing POC results
To sign off on POC results, the doctor can navigate over to the dashboard. Under the Physician’s Review tab, the doctor can select the Lab Reports tab. Kipu will then list all of the results with the doctor’s NPI that are pending a signature. All results that have no positive results can be signed off by the physician with a single signature or custom setup pin. All results with positive values will stay on the list so the physician may review them and leave a note if needed. The doctor can also use the powerful filter section in the header to view all results.
Our interface features full documentation for every test ordered.
Helps Support Your Claim for POC Testing
Available in the Kipu Lab 2.0 Interface. The Medical Necessity Documentation Report fully documents the reason for a test being ordered and performed while allowing full transparency and detailed auditing for all tests. The MNDR eliminates the need for you to manually gather and present data to insurance companies, including medical records requests.

Get Paid for POC
A recent survey reviewed hundreds of policies and most provide that they will reimburse for POC-UDT (Urine Drug Testing) “as needed” within established yearly limits which usually range from eight to 15 tests per year. The study cited average reimbursements where the need is demonstrated without any risk of an audit or other retaliatory practices on the part of any payors where POC-UDT is invoiced by the treatment centers making claims.
That’s where Kipu’s unique Lab 2.0 Interface comes in. With the Kipu Lab 2.0 Interface, the POC-UDT order is quickly and easily entered by medical personnel. At that time Kipu’s Smart Text™ Narrative Builder helps draft a Statement Of Medical Necessity documenting the “need” required. A POC is then taken and read. The results are recorded in the Kipu Lab 2.0 Interface and results are available for review of medical personnel. All negative results can be batch reviewed and signed off while positive results require review and signature. At the same time, changes to the treatment plan or other procedures may be activated to react to positive results. The Kipu System then kicks off a claim through its Integrated Billing system.
In the event of a records request, denial, or rejection, Kipu’s Provisionally Patent Pending “Medical Necessity Documentation Report™” may be printed or a secure PDF may be created* for submission to the payor.
Kipu treatment centers and labs, as well as Kipu Gold Billers, all report better reimbursement on labs when armed with Kipu’s Lab 2.0 Interface and MNDR™.
Finally, the UDT program now integrates with Kipu’s Golden Thread® and FIT (Feedback Informed Treatment) systems for greater compliance.
This is just one more way Kipu helps its clients become more efficient and improve both finances and patient outcomes. Kipu is committed to the fight against addiction, but to do so our clients must deal with the less desirable “business side” of billing and collections. Kipu covers that for you so you can concentrate on treating patients.
*Requires separate software, such as Adobe Acrobat.
Information available within the MNDR:
- Practice or facility
- Patient demographics
- Doctor order and signature
- Receiving lab information
- Requisition with patient consent
- Signed lab report
The MDNR includes all information required by insurance carriers to help ensure payment.
Lab Order
- Specimen details
- Address
Lab Result
- Specimen ID
- Received date
- Reported date
- Received by client